Auckland CIty of Music is a connector. It is the glue across Auckland’s musical cultures, ecologies, organisations, people and policy makers and a critical function is to connect our musical whānau to each other, and to the world.

We work with other partners in the sector to clearly define our areas of control and influence in the music ecology. We recognise we all have different levers and strengths and we work with others to unlock our vision. 

Our emphasis is collaboration; to champion our unique musical whānau, origin stories, and heritage locally and to the world.

Values Whanonga pono

  • Rangatiratanga | Leadership

  • Auahatanga | Creativity

  • Mana taurite | Equity

  • Whanaunga | Connection

  • Manaakitanga | Care

Guiding principles Ngā mātapono ārahi

Te mahitahi | Collaboration

Ka mahitahi mātou i roto i te kotahitanga mō te aronga kotahi.

We will work together in unity and common purpose

Kaitiakitanga | Guardianship

I raro i te aratakitanga o ngā mana whenua, ka tiaki mātou i ngā tikanga ā-puoro o tō tātou rohe; me ōna kaiwaihanga, kaitautoko hoki.

Guided by the Māori Music Industry Coalition,  we will actively care for the musical culture of our region; and the people who create and support it. 

Nau mai | A warm welcome

Ka whai wāhanga tātou, ō tātou kainoho, manuhiri hoki i te humi o ngā tikanga puoro o te rohe.

We share the abundance of this special region’s music culture generously with our residents and visitors.

Vision, Mission & Purpose Te tirohanga whānui, Hoaketanga e Whakatakanga


Music is everywhere


To enhance the mana, wellbeing and prosperity of Tāmaki Makaurau’s unique & diverse musical whanau.


To connect, promote and champion our unique musical whanau’s abilities & talent, locally & globally.

Strategic Pillars Pou rautaki

Whakapiki | Advance

We help advance the unique musical cultures that define Tāmaki Makaurau as a global city of music, through education, partnerships, access and trade. 

Herenga | Connect

We connect Tāmaki Makaurau’s musical cultures, ecologies, organisations, people and policy makers with each other, and to the world. 

Whakatuarā | Promote

We promote the uniqueness and diversity of Tāmaki Makaurau’s music culture across our city, Aotearoa and the world. 

Tiakanga | Preserve

We help preserve Tāmaki Makaurau’s unique musical culture through our ongoing and innovative preservation efforts. 

Actions Hohenga

  • Connect with all stakeholders in the ecosystem via regular meetings, event & information sessions.
  • Connect and collaboarate with local and international networks.
  • Be available to assist connections between stakeholders when called upon.
  • Produce and/or circulate articles, op-ed's, etc pertaining to music ecosystems and music city policy.
  • Design, produce and obtain funding for projects that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Support and promote stakeholder projects that meet the criteria of the Strategic Pillars.
  • Actively promote and encourage use of the tohu wherever possible as a badge of civic pride.

Auckland Music Strategy 2024